NFCC Golf Day

Right folks, Steven Bullen is just putting some feelers out to gauge interest for NFCC Golf Day to kick the 2024 season off in early April (atm looking at the 6th). He’ll pop a poll up in the meantime but if we get enough interest the plan will be: Bacon Roll & coffee at the course, Round (can enter a team of four or put your name in the hat to be put into a team), Pint in the clubhouse for those who go off first, Back to the club for food, a few more pints and awards (longest drive, closest to the pin etc). Graham Hepworth is sorting us at Howley Hall Golf Club and finalising costs so will confirm them once we’ve got numbers but to be safe, allow for £30.00 per head. It will be good chance for all members (past & present players welcome) to get together, and no need to be a wonderful golfer to get involved either – getting 100 will be a good start to the season!

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