Come and join us for our annual 10K Run around the beautiful local area on Tuesday 31st December 2024. We’ll be leaving New Farnley Cricket Club shortly after 10:00am. Afterwards, back to the club for hot sandwiches and a few more Christmas Drinks! The aim of the day is getting everybody into the New Years Eve spirit by socialising with your friends and family all in one place. We hope plenty of you can join us for what we hope will be a fun filled morning/afternoon! Please spread the word….the more the merrier. If you are joining us, everyone should meet in the Cricket Club Car Park at 10:00am prompt. The entrance fee is £10.00 which will be split between Cancer Research UK and club funds (this can be paid online or monies will be collected beforehand inside the club). Account Name: New Farnley Cricket Club, Sorting Code Number: 050131, Account Number: 67454202 and Reference: Full Name 10K.
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